Penname: HJ Bender [Contact]
Real name: Hal Bender
Member since: 22/06/2010
Membership status: Administrator
Bio: Find me at Tumblr ( and Twitter (@hjbender)
Beta-reader: No

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Stories by HJ Bender
Rated: Not suitable for young children
Summary: Alex receives a threatening letter from an old acquaintance that sets a chain of ominous events into motion...
Categories: Action/Adventure, Mission, Mystery
Characters: Alex Rider, Yassen Gregorovich
Warnings: Violence
Series: None
Chapters: 5 [Table of Contents]
Completed: No • Words: 14917 • Views: 1046
[Report This] Published: 12/08/2010 Updated: 15/12/2010
Rated: Not suitable for young children
Summary: Alex has finally managed to destroy SCORPIA and earn his freedom from MI6, but it leaves him with feelings he can't reconcile...
Categories: Hurt/Comfort
Characters: Alex Rider, Yassen Gregorovich
Warnings: None
Series: None
Chapters: 7 [Table of Contents]
Completed: No • Words: 4161 • Views: 1282
[Report This] Published: 12/02/2011 Updated: 29/05/2011
Rated: Not suitable for young children
Summary: Three weeks before his sixteenth birthday, Alex Rider was committed at the Brookwood Institute of Mental Health in Surrey, England.
Categories: Angst, *Fests & challenges* > Flash Rider
Characters: Alex Rider
Warnings: Abuse
Series: None
Chapters: 1 [Table of Contents]
Completed: Yes • Words: 1061 • Views: 110
[Report This] Published: 26/08/2010 Updated: 26/08/2010